
LED Stick Video Adds Spice to China’s Phoenix Island Buildings

china 01  LED stick video elements to illuminate Phoenix Island buildings in China
China- ​​based Sanya Phoenix Island Devel­op­ment will partner with US-​​based Dak­tron­ics Inc., Brook­ings, S.D. to illu­mi­nate the new Phoenix Island buildings in Sanya City, China, with light emit­ting diode (LED) stick video elements.
Approx­i­mately 33,0000 lin­ear meters of ProPixel LED stick ele­ments will be installed on the out­side of build­ings in Phoenix Island. Dak­tron­ics worked with Sanya Phoenix from the early con­cept stages to design the cur­tain wall on the out­side of each build­ing specif­i­cally to house its LED stick ele­ments. The spe­cially designed exte­rior enables a sleek and con­tin­u­ous look, with­out the appear­ance of add-​​on features.

Dak­tron­ics’ ProPixel LED ele­ments claims to offer the abil­ity to design and build freeform, video-​​capable archi­tec­tural ele­ments and chan­nel let­ters with­out the con­straints of tra­di­tional square LED mod­ules. It is a large video dis­play sys­tem with 100% dig­i­tal, 15-​​bit video pro­cess­ing and is capa­ble of dis­play­ing more than one bil­lion colors.

With full-​​color, full-​​motion capa­bil­ity, ProPixel tech­nol­ogy claims to pro­vide unequalled impact while con­sum­ing lesser power and requir­ing lesser main­te­nance than tra­di­tional light­ing meth­ods such as neon and incan­des­cent lamps. Propixel is spe­cially designed for large scale multi-​​building applications.

The instal­la­tion of the multi-​​million dol­lar Dak­tron­ics LED dis­play sys­tem is sched­uled to be com­pleted by the end of 2010 while the con­struc­tion of Phoenix Island is expected to be com­pleted by 2014.

Phoenix Island, which is a man-​​made island designed by MAD Archi­tects, is located in Sanya City, Hainan Province, China. Phoenix Island will be a land­mark vaca­tion des­ti­na­tion and will fea­ture build­ings with a futur­is­tic design.

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